Ripple Money Transfers Surge in Europe


In European countries, the number of remittances involving the Ripple platform and the ODL (On-Demand Liquidity) payment system has increased dramatically. In Europe, this direction took the second place in the popularity of money transfers using this system.

The Simpsons talked about Blockchain


The screenwriters of the beloved animated series The Simpsons have created an entire episode dedicated to cryptocurrency.

Ethereum developers want to activate ProgPoW code in July


Crypto Briefing reported that the creators of Ethereum have agreed to activate the ProgPoW code.

Cardano network has OBFT hard fork


Cardano creators talk about successful split Ouroboros Byzantine Fault-Tolerant

Korea Stock Exchange Caused Bitcoin Price Drop


According to statistics for 7 days, Bitcoin owners lost more than $ 40 billion. The BTC pulled other assets as well. Experts attribute the drop in value to the hacking of a large cryptocurrency exchange in South Korea. Is it worth investing in a falling currency? When will Bitcoin rise to $ 100 thousand?

Binance Coin fell twice. Investment prospects


Binance exchange shows a positive development. A good reputation makes Binance Coin a promising and attractive coin. Indicators for September 28, expert forecasts. Where to buy Binance Coin and why it is worth investing in this currency?

North Korea develops its own cryptocurrency


North Korea will have its own cryptocurrency, its cost and benefits. How did North Korea circumvent U.S. sanctions with crypto? Features bitcoin mixers.

Bitcoin Cash collapsed in half in 2 months


Decrease in value and capitalization of Bitcoin Cash in 60 days. Recent quotes. Change in price. Growth prospects. What is the difference from the main crypto giant?