China plans to outshine Bitcoin with its cryptocurrency


China began fighting cryptocurrencies in 2013. Why does the country need its own token? What will it be called? How much will it cost? Will the coin be competitive? Mining in China.

Litecoin creator predicts cryptocurrency market destabilization


Recommendations for users from the creator of Litecoin Charlie Lee. Features and prospects of cryptocurrency. What will happen to the course? Forecasts of experts.

Results of the Consensus 2019 - a key event in the cryptocurrency world


The Consensus 2019 was attended by many large IT companies. The plans of the conference participants. Presentation of the new NEO 3.0 blockchain. Announcement of collaboration between the leaders of the crypto projects Cardano and Polymath.

Investing in Bitcoin in 2019


What is the cryptocurrency market preparing for? A series of news that an ordinary and experienced trader missed. They will definitely affect your decision to buy cryptocurrency Bitcoin.

Buy bitcoin by bank transfer


Faced the limits when transferring from card to card? What if I tell you that you can transfer through Sberbank or another bank up to 1,000,000 per day? Can I buy Bitcoin from a bank account? I suggest finding a solution to the problem in this article.

Differences between the MIR payment system and Visa or Mastercard.


The present and future of Bitcoin, the opinion of leading experts


Messari experts say that investing in cryptocurrency is more profitable than investing in the largest banks. The use of cryptocurrencies in the real world. How to choose a platform for bidding? Advantages and prospects of Bitcoin.

Why the head of Alfa Bank does not believe in cryptocurrency, German Gref was bought by bitcoins


The heads of the two largest banks in Russia expressed their opinion on cryptocurrencies. In Russia, it is planned to introduce a tax on digital currencies. Pros of making money on crypto and how to do it? How to choose a suitable exchange?